When your relationship is over, it’s hard to get used to solo life. But there is life after divorce – and hope for happiness as a single woman again. Read on for 12 steps to start rebuilding your life... 

“I want a divorce."

Those are easily four of the most devastating words a wife can hear. Divorce can leave you depressed, lonely, financially strapped and wondering, Now what?

Divorce recovery describes the all encompassing process of emotional and practical restructuring and healing throughout the phases of divorce. It is a constant, cyclical process in which you are broken down and built back up numerous times until finally, you are whole again. Divorce recovery is painful, yes, but it is also an opportunity.

In my course not only I share 12 steps to start rebuilding your life, but I share  

Welcome to Beauty For Ashes Masterclass

Have you gone through a divorce, separation, or break up of a long-term relationship?

Looking for answers on how to let go of an unhealthy relationship, heal your broken heart, or put your life back together?

Well, maybe you're trying to find healing for the brokenness in your heart and life for the first time, or maybe you've tried before and failed. Whatever the case, you're looking for results, otherwise you'll probably waste a lot of time, and come away hurt, disappointed, and frustrated.

You need a proven mentor, and you need a system.

In “Beauty for Ashes Masterclass” divorce recovery life coach, Flore Francois, shares her incredible recovery journey and also demonstrates a step-by-step system which you can use to rebuild your life and reinvent yourself.

Don't delay. Get started today!

Course Curriculum

If you are in the middle of a divorce, chances are you’re counting down the days until it’s all over. For life to feel something like “normal” again.

To not be verbally stomped on because of something that you say. So you can say goodbye to being emotionally beaten into the ground over and over and blamed for everything that is going wrong with your marriage, your financial life, your sex life, everything.

So you can breathe again. So you can finally start to heal after all the horrible things your spouse has put you through and finally put your life back together.

The divorce process is hard enough to go through under normal circumstances. You are hurting, your partner is hurting, and your children, who are caught in the middle, suffer the most.

Within reach is the freedom that you’ve been longing for all these years. It’s time to pull yourself out of this dark and horrible place and grab at your chance of happiness with both hands.

But if your soon-to-be ex is a narcissist, I’ve got some very bad news...

Your Spouse Will Try to Take Everything You Value and More Divorce is Tough, But Divorcing a Narcissist is almost IMPOSSIBLE! 

You Need to Stand Up for Yourself, so You Can Get Out with some Dignity, Financial Stability and Sanity.

I Will Help You Do That.


Move forward after broken relationships, relational trauma, or your own mental barriers that keep you from having the life God intended for you.

I love coaching clients as they embrace their transformation. Yes, there are moments of discomfort and maybe shyness when a client uncovers bad habits, negative self-talk, and also limiting beliefs. As a coach though, it is a complete joy when I get to lead them to connect with their true self, even their future self (which we have a lot of fun with); that’s when true transformation happens and shows up in all areas of the client’s life: starting with the mind and spirit, flowing to their health and well-being, intimate relationships, and their work and money.

As a mindset coach in particular, I can say that nothing makes me more happy than hearing a client say “I’m in love with myself.”

As a Transformational Coach, my main focus is to be focused, diving below the surface, get to essence. You will learn how to fundamentally shift your entire sense of self into a more enlightened state.

This is a space of light and shadow, of fear and joy, of limitations and grand possibilities. All coaching approaches foster self-awareness, but transformational coaching goes beyond that it enables people to attend to the structures which underlie their sense of self (who they believe they are) and then, through an exploration of being, to assume higher than realized levels of existence (who they desire to be).

I have dedicated myself to help others get to essence, to the heart of the matter, to explore the ground of being.

I am here to help you move forward after broken relationships, relational trauma, or your own mental barriers that keep you from having the life God intended for you.